Nothing Special, Really

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Best. Gift. Ever.

Amongst my friends I've become notorious for being expressionless when receiving gifts. It's not that I don't show gratitude or happiness when I receive a great gift, but I hate to have someone feel that their gift isn't as good as someone else's, so I try to have the same reaction to each gift. Most of my friends find this really annoying.

But every once in a while there's a gift that is so money that I can't help but break my stoneface and show my excitement.

For Christmas this year, my first one with my girlfriend, I received a new car stereo. It's pretty awesome, it even comes with a USB port so I can plug my iPod directly into it. It was a really great gift and I tried to show my genuine excitement about it but I held back some. It probably doesn't help that it's still sitting in the box waiting to be installed, which is a whole 'nother story. But it doesn't change the fact that it's an excellent gift and I can't wait to get off my lazy ass and go get it installed. So if you're reading this, which I know you will at some point, thank you again. Don't let my laziness fool you into thinking I don't like the gift.

But you really outdid yourself last night.

You see, last night we celebrated out first anniversary together. I didn't know what to do, I've never made it this far before. I knew that I wanted to take her out for a nice dinner so I decided to take her to one of her favorite sushi restaurants, Rain. She's also shown an interest in trying to make sushi herself, so I decided to make it a sushi themed night and bought her some books on making sushi.

She comes home from work with a package, a decorative bag. I read her card, which had to have been one of the funniest cards I've ever read (it was meant to be a baby shower card). Then I reach in the bag and pull out.......oatmeal raisin walnut cookies. Um, thanks babe, that's sweet, but I don't like raisins. They were supposed to be chocolate chip she said. Oh well, maybe they can be returned.

There's more inside she says. I look and I see two pieces of paper that I thought were tissue paper at first. They're tickets. For Valentine's Day.

To go see the Suns play the Sonics.


Unbelievable! I'm so excited I can't wait! This is the only time they're coming to Seattle, and it'll be my first time ever seeing the Suns away from AWA (I know it changed but it's still the AWA in my book). If this does end up being the year that we win it all I'll be able to say that I saw them play the year of their championship.

And it'll probably be a blowout because the Sonics are really struggling this year, but I will be there to the end, probably a little bit drunk, cheering on Pat Burke as he rains down threes with 20 seconds left to go.

Who could ask for anything more?


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